Oregon Coast

“Don’t sit too long.” My chiropractor repeated when I walked out of his office.  I hug my computer daily and even more when I have photo book projects going on. Once I have my editing work started, I was usually too focused to pace myself for breaks. Now I finally sent the photo book out to print, but I cannot get out of my chair either. I publish my blogs every week and never skipped even once in the last 4+ years. Children from my parents’ family do not easily let go of anything without giving in to our strong will and perseverance.  So here I am except I will use the least time to write this blog so that I don’t worsen my physical condition.

To select a hiking location for my upcoming college reunion, I have recently tried a few hikes over the coast. St. Perpetua Trail at Cape Perpetua is probably one of my favorite.

The trail has only 2.2 miles round trip. You go through a real forest with old-growth, giant fir trees, green-paved paths, wildflowers, occasional ocean views, bird calls, and ocean sounds. The end of the trail is the highest point of the coast which provides the best view along the coast. We even saw whales. It was very foggy when we were, but the gorgeous scenery is hard to be hidden. I purposely over-processed the last image to show you what the coastline should look like on a fair day.

Yaquina Natural Area is another sweet spot full of natural rocks and shore birds. Camonrants are so common in the Northwest that I don’t usually pay attention to them, but I enjoyed their silhouette along the rocks, particularly when there is courtship going on (see the pair on the left).

The pair of Peregrine Falcons are nesting on the cliff.  Birds are naturally very protective of their babies, and they definitely know where is the best place for them. Casual visitors would have a hard time finding the nest. This is the first time I saw Falcon. They look more attractive to me than eagles or hawks.

How often do you see Seal Mommy nurse her baby? I watched the baby follow the mommy one step at a time going up the rock and enjoying her lunch.

There are no beach umbrellas or bikinis on Oregon Coast, but you can find another 50 places like above to enjoy what true nature can bring you not mentioning it is a photographer’s haven.

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