Ballet Girls – peace and harmony

It’s hard to know what’s happening in the world and not to be impacted by it,  mentally. Creating images with peace and harmony is my hideout and therapy. I took this picture from a girl’s outdoor ballet and digitally painted it.



Acorn Woodpecker

For a long time, I did not see too many Acorn Woodpeckers around. Suddenly they become frequent visitors in flocks. Some people think they look like clowns while they remind me of the cardinal-bishop, the red cap, and the pleated (or ruched) gown, I think.

A few weeks ago, I realized why they are named Acorn Woodpecker. How they store their food amazes me.

In a morning walk back in summer, I saw three of them flying back and forth between two trees. Immediately I noticed that two males were after one female. A brawl began and triggered a close confrontation. Good for me. That was the first time I saw their full wingspan.

Rain, Rain, Don’t go away

If you grow up in the tropical region where the rains come down no stop, you won’t like the rain. Or, if you happen to walk down the street of Milan, Italy as a traveler while it rains for consecutive three hours and you end up having to buy an umbrella, you don’t like it either. Fortunately, here in Northwest, though there is a long rainy season, I never get tired of it: Rain comes and goes. Rain brings a sea of greens. Rain refreshes the air. Rain keeps our crops growing, and the skiers smile.

Cedar Waxwings

Never thought I would be so interested in birds, but they are interesting and inspiring creatures that are created for our pleasure. Each of them has a different ‘personality’ that reflects on our human beings I found fascinating. Cedar Waxwings are not uncommon and they often travel in flocks. I have taken many pictures and some videos. But whenever they are there, I cannot resist more pictures. For the sake of attracting them, we even planted the trees with their favorite berries.

The fledglings have spots on the chest and we can tell from their behavior. I happened to snap this picture that I have been looking at over and over myself. Is he the cutest and most curious thing?

Tundra Swans

For years in observing the Tundra Swans come to our area, I found them elegant, graceful, and peaceful. They usually come in large flocks, the view sight is often a spectacular white with elegant body gestures and graceful movement in the air.

Tundra Swans in fly

Never have I seen them so loud and furiously brawling. It’s entertaining and humorous.

If not seen it myself, I would never imagine such aggressive behavior out of a peaceful creature that I portraited in my mind.

Autumn in Oregon countryside

Fall colors do not seem to linger too long this year. Seeing a new or rare bird on a birding trip is always exciting. Indulging in the peaceful and relaxing countryside is a guaranteed bonus.

It’s common to hear the meadowlarks sing, but uncommon to see them remotely close. Every once in a while, the surprise is to see American Bald Eagles flying closer by.

Wallowa Mountains

Crater Lake is a popular landmark of Oregon. I wonder how many people out of state know about the ‘Swiss Alps’ of Oregon – Wallowa Mountains.

On a cloudy day and a random drive-around, we ran into this large herd of sheep grazing in front of the mountain range, there was a shepherd boy and his dog. A scene that I may have imagined but never witnessed prior. I quickly snapped a few shots using the camera’s auto settings. The original picture was a novice’s work. I have made several attempts to edit it, but there is not much I can do with a low-resolution jpg picture. Now I am in the digital painting learning curve, I decided to give it a little touch.

Oregon "Swiss" - Wallowa Mountains
  • Original picture was posted in 2015.

A morning of Action

It appears to be a good fishing day…. wish I had my fast camera with me. The weather was chilly and a bit gloomy, but a few surprises have made me a wonderful morning.

Egrets are not rare spices or uncommon birds, but snapping a fishing scene was my first. In less than one minute, the fish was down to its throat. I wonder if the poor even had a second to ponder their fortune.

Cormorants are ‘fishing birds in China. Their job is to catch the fish for the fishermen. I don’t know how they are fed, but they don’t get to eat what they fish themselves. The cormorants here have a good life and enjoy total freedom.

When a work vehicle drove by, the engine noise made all take off and run for life,

Kingfisher was rattling over the water back and forth waiting to snatch their prey. If he did not stop, aiming for a clear shot is challenging. His whimsical hairdo and naughty behavior keep me interested in getting better shots.

On the lighter side, a curious Cedar Waxwing fledgling and a Red-Tailed Hawk were the temporary spectators in the scene. It’s a beautiful day and everyone is looking into the next move.

Planning to find some fall colors, I was completely side-tracked by the action.

A Place to Relax – memories from travels

This was way before I learned how to use a DSLR camera, a few travel traces that always stay in my mind…

What a relaxing entry to the restroom. Mediterranean terra cotta with the accent of fresh green and aged white trims, the tastefully arranged pots, and the selective varieties of plants. (Spain)

This is a waiting room on the way to the restroom in an ordinary hotel. The high-back lounges, the soft cushions, coordinated brown color tones, plus the ambiance of lightning make you wonder at a second where you are heading to. (Denmark)